1 Yes. League of Conservation Voters says yes.
2 Yes. It takes an important step toward fiscal discipline in our state government. League of Women Voters
45 No. Could undermine the ACA. Chronicle
46 No. Both the Chronicle and Planned Parenthood say no.
47 Yes. League of Women Voters says that prop 47 will ensure that prison spending is focused on violent and serious offenses and will maximize alternatives for non-serious, nonviolent crimes.
48 No. The Chronicle makes a compelling case for a no. Indian gaming.
San Francisco School Board: Hydra Mendoza. We hosted a small event for her at our house.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Malia Cohen
State Assembly: David Chiu
Superintendent for Public Instruction: Marshall Tuck. April has known him for a decade and says he is the clear choice. The Chronicle endorsed Tuck as well saying he is more willing to challenge the status quo.
A Yes. These investments will help improve public transportation. Source: Sierra Club
B Yes. This changes the City Charter to increase the amount of transportation funding allocated, without adding taxes, based on population increases. Source: Sierra Club
C Yes. Chronicle says yes while the League of Women Voters is neutral.
D Yes. This is a small legal fix that needs voter approval. It’s a proposal to put several dozen former employees of the phased-out Redevelopment Agency in the city’s pension system.
E Yes. Increases tax on sugary drinks.
F Yes. Enables redevelopment of Pier 70 in the Dogpatch. Source: Sierra Club and the local neighborhood groups support it as well.
G No. Would put a huge new tax on sale of certain apartment building. The Chronicle opposes it and the League of Women Voters is Neutral.
H Yes. Would block 150,000 Watts of new stadium lighting and artificial turf by Ocean Beach. It also blocks the new grandstands and roads. We have fake grass at our house and love it. However I agree with the Sierra Club that near Ocean Beach is not right place for stadium lighting, grandstands and new roads. Source: Sierra Club
I No. This is just the reverse of Prop H. See prop H.
J Yes. The Chronicle and the Sierra Club both support this, the latter because higher wages might enable more workers to live closer to their work, thus reducing traffic.
K No. This does nothing. It's a non-binding policy resolution. Why are we wasting time voting on this?
L No. This is basically about promoting cars instead of public transit. Crazy crazy.
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