Friday, March 11, 2022

2022 Dogpatch and NW Potrero GBD voter guide

Here is Peter's Dogpatch and NW Potrero Hill Green Benefit District (GBD) voter guide. It's just my personal opinions/recommendations. Hope they are useful. They are influenced by my feeling that we are in a climate emergency and thus need to move fast on infrastructure changes to support sustainable transportation. 

Dogpatch Property Owner (vote for 4)
Donovan Lacy (top choice) - Donovan has spent considerable time advocating for sustainable transportation in our neighborhood. He is walking the walk and is a leader on these topics. He supports all 5 topics listed below. 
Sean Harris - supports all 5 topics. 
Sarah Miers - supports all 5 topics. 
John Rambsbacher - Supports all 5 topics. 
Jason Kelly Johnson - Supports all 5 topics. Has been an active supporter of MinneSLOWta including providing hands on volunteer time

Have not yet heard back from these:
An Van de Moortel - a colleague said she supports bikeable cities

Dogpatch Tenant - Vote for 2
Janice Sheppard (top choice) - Supports at least 4 of the 5 topics below. Just double checking on Innes. 
Paul Selmants - statement mentions support for protected bike lanes

Erin Epperson - no reply yet

More details if you are interested:
All of the candidates seem like great people. They are generously volunteering their time to help the community and deserve our thanks and support. That said, for a voter guide one has to make choices so there you have it. Two of the seats are not contested (Portero Owner and Greenspace Advocate) and so because there is no choice I have not listed those here. 

This voter guide does not cover all of the topics that the GBD works on. Similarly environmental voter guides don't cover things like taxes, social security and defense but I still find them useful. I asked the candidates
  1. Would you sign our petition to make the Minnesota Slow Street (Mariposa to 22nd) permanent?  
  2. Would sign this petition I also started to create a safe place for pedestrians and bike along Innes in India Basin?  
  3. Would you sign up on this website to support our effort in Potrero/Dogpatch? 
  4. Would you use this link to quickly send a letter to the supervisors in support of permanent car free JFK Promenade?
  5. And finally would you sign up here to lend your support for the Great Highway Park?