I've made this one shorter, fewer links and explanations. But see the info at the bottom if you want to learn more. I often have consulted the Bike Coalition, Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, SF Chronicle and slates from a friend or two.
CA State Senator: Scott Weiner (great on transportation issues among others)
State Assembly (D17): David Chiu (among other things he's a great champion of bike infrastructure!)
Prop 14: Stem Cell Research Bonds: No (SF Chronicle also opposed)
Prop 15: Property Tax for Schools: YES (No brainer. Very important)
Prop 16: Allows Affirmative Action: YES (April can give you the full explanation on this one)
Prop 17: Right to Vote After Prison: YES (no brainer. They have completed their prison term. Taking away voting during parole is excessive punishment)
Prop 18: 17 Year Olds Vote In Primaries: Yes (already approved by legislature)
Prop 19: Prop Tax Rules: No (I like what the LA Times said, "Proposition 19, a cynical and unwelcome melding of good and bad tax proposals. Voters should reject it.")
Prop 20: Parole Restrictions: NO (This is the prison guards and police unions trying to increase incarceration)
Prop 21: Local Jurisdiction for Rent Control: No (we need to increase the supply of housing)
Prop 22: Benefits Exemption for Uber/Lyft etc: NO (tricky but what got me is that if passed prop 22 can’t be changed without a (near-miracle) 7/8 super majority of both chambers of the State Assembly.
Prop 23: State Requirements for Kidney Dialysis Clinics: No
Prop 24: Consumer Privacy Protections: No
Prop 25: Bail Reforms: Yes (Cash bail has always struck me as crazy unjust)
Prop A: Health and Recovery Bond: YES
Prop B: Department of Sanitation and Streets: YES
Prop C: Non-Citizen Voting for Boards and Commissions: YES
Prop D: Sheriff’s Dept Oversight: YES
Prop E: Abolish Minimum Police Staffing Requirement: YES
Prop F: Business Tax Overhaul: YES
Prop G: Youth Voting for Local Elections: YES
Prop H: Planning Code Reforms for Neighborhood Commercial: Yes
Prop I: Increase Transfer Tax: Yes
Prop J: Parcel Tax Update: Yes
Prop K: Authorize Affordable Housing: YES
Prop L: Disproportionate CEO Pay Tax: Yes
Prop RR: Rescue Caltrain: YES
State Senator District 11: Scott Wiener
State Assembly Member, District 17: David Chiu
Member Board of Education: Jenny Lam, Michelle Parker, Alida Fisher
Community College Board: